Aluminium Windows from Clarks Glass

Clarks Glass aluminium windows

Clarks Glass specialise in the installation of aluminium windows and work for both domestic and commercial clients.

Renowned for light weight and high strength, aluminium can be found in a whole host of everyday products and systems - from cars to washing machines and patio doors. Combined with its long life and extremely low maintenance requirements, aluminium has become the perfect choice for home owners when selecting new or replacement windows and doors.

Aluminium windows from Clarks Glass

We supply a huge range of window styles, opening options, hardware and colour choices – enabling you to choose the perfect system to meet your exact needs.

From the classic Alitherm Heritage range (perfect for traditional projects or sensitive refurbishments) to the contemporary looks of our high performance Eco Futural system, our window systems have all been developed to deliver the perfect combination of stylish looks and outstanding performance.


Aluminium windows performance

All our aluminium windows are designed with performance, looks and efficiency in mind, with each frame incorporating a ‘thermal-break’. This effectively insulates the windows against heat loss, raising a home’s internal temperature and helping to reduce the risk of condensation.

Deigned to offer excellent weather resistance and provide excellent insulation properties, all our aluminium windows allow you to enjoy the comfort of the improved insulation as well as lower energy bills.


Why choose aluminium?

Maintenance for aluminium is simple and straightforward, with a routine ‘wipe-clean’ all that is required to keep the products looking their best. With no requirement for re-painting or re-varnishing, aluminium windows and doors will never fade, deteriorate or rust, even in harsh environments, such as coastal locations.

Colours and finishes

Aluminium windows have an unrivalled range of colour and finish options provides inspiration for all types of properties. From contemporary urban homes to traditional Cotswold cottages, we have the perfect colour to suit every project in any location.

The full range includes our ever-popular Naturals, Sensations and Alchemy collections, as well as the all new Cotswold colour palette, developed specifically to suit traditional projects in conservation areas.

Smart Aluminium Product Range

Please see below for the Smart Alumium product range, and please click an image for more information.

Alitherm 300

Alitherm 600

Alitherm Heritage


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